Notes: December 22, 2009

Betrayal And Obedience

Judas sells out; and the other disciple make preparation for Passover.

Matthew 26:14-19

Betrayal (v. 14-16)

  • Judas went to the chief priests. Note that he initiated the deal. This is worse than if he had been approached and enticed.
  • What’s in it for me? If the price is right, Ill betray the man who has been my friend and mentor for three years, the man who has proven himself time again that he is the Son of God, the Messiah.
  • 30 pieces of silver. How much value did that have? Generations earlier it was the price of a slave (Exodus 31:32). This shows what little value the unbelieving Jews had for Jesus and human life.
  • Agreement to pay. The blood money was not paid in advance, only upon fulfillment of contract. Indeed the money was paid after Judas betrayed Jesus and before he had a chance to change his mind.
  • With the approval of the Sanhedrin, Judas looked for an opportunity to betray Jesus and get paid.

Obedience (v. 17-19)

  • Knowing the requirements for celebrating the Passover, some disciples asked Jesus where he wanted them to hold the dinner?  After all, they did not have a meeting place of their own.
  • With authority, Jesus instructed them to find a certain man and ask for a room in his house.
  • Obediently the disciples found out the man, arranged for the room and made everything ready for the Passover meal.

Meditation Point:

Had Judas become disillusioned? Was he expecting a grand earthly kingdom and himself one of the twelve ruling princes? Certainly the message that Jesus had been repeating about his upcoming betrayal and crucifixion nixed that idea. And if Jesus was to be betrayed, why not Judas for the deed, and why not make some money out of the deal?
