Notes: August 9, 2009

The Theology of Jesus

No, don’t expect a full-fledged, systematic, theological treatise. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find anything close to that in the entire Bible. Instead, listen carefully to Jesus as he comments on his relationship with the Father. Without using the words “deity”, “divine”, or “triune” Jesus opens wider the curtain of his being for us to see.

John 5:30-47

  • Jesus is not independent of the Father (v. 30). Unlike the Greek gods, Jesus is not another god in a pantheon.
  • Jesus advances his works as evidence that he has been sent by God (v.36).
  • Jesus sets forth the Father’s witness (v.37). Is Jesus recalling the voice from heaven on the day of his baptism?
  • Jesus rebukes the Jews for not having heard God’s voice nor seen His shape and yet not believing the one whom the Father has sent (v. 38).
  • Jesus tells them to search the scriptures and they will learn about him (v. 39).
  • Free will? Oh, yes. They WILL not come to Jesus and have life (v. 40).
  • But is it not because they have not the love of God in them (v. 41)? Is their rejection of Jesus not because their sin is so great that the CANNOT believe (v. 44)?
  • Again, Jesus points the Jews to the scriptures which speak of him (v. 45-47).
  • Faith is a gift of God (Ephesians 2:8-9); and they didn’t have it.
