Notes: Job 5-6

Notes for January 9, 2008

Eliphaz continues in his attempt to persuade Job that Job’s trouble is no accident, that Job must have done something to bring this upon himself.

Job 5

1-5: Danger to one’s children and business arises from his being a fool. (Note the obvious implication concerning Job)

6: Trouble doesn’t just happen; there must be a cause.

7: Men seem to have lots of trouble in their lives.

9-16: My advice: seek the Lord while He may be found because you can be sure He will discover that sin of yours which has caused all this trouble.

17-26: If you would but submit to God’s discipline, you would find that everything would be turned around and you will live happily ever after.

27: I know what I’m talking about; so take heed to what I’ve said.

Truth and Error

a. TRUTH: a father’s sin can have ill effect upon his family and his business; but not every suffering child does so because of the sin of his father.

b. TRUTH: everything has a reason for its being, every action has a cause; but we are not always able to see that reason.

c. TRUTH: nobody is exempt from trouble in this life

d. TRUTH: God does know all about us and God does what is best for His people; but God doesn’t promise full health or absolute wealth to those who follow Him.


Job 6

Job responds to Eliphaz in this and the following chapters.

1-7: The troublesome grief has brought a giant amount of pressure upon Job’s life.

4: God is responsible for all of this.

5-6: My complaint is reasonable.

8-9: If God would abandon me, then I could resolve this issue; but He won’t and I can’t.

10-13: I feel like I’m carrying a ton of bricks; and I can’t do it any longer.

14-21: You haven’t handled this well at all.

22-26: Did I ask for your help? No, I did not. Instead of helping me, you have seriously hurt me.

27-30: I know about these things as much as you do; you should listen to me!

Discussion thoughts:

a. Carrying too much weight can break a roof, a bridge, a wagon and a man’s spirit. The Pharisees may lay heavy burdens upon us (Luke 11:46); but the Lord Jesus gives us light work (Matthew 11:30), never more than we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13).

b. We must be careful when we see God’s hand at work in our lives that we do not assume that everything that is not according to our plan is meant to be against us. The friction that we experience may be God’s sandpaper polishing us that we might better reflect His image in our lives.

c. Jeremiah once considered quitting; but he realized that something inside him wouldn’t allow him to be silent. Quitting may be an easy out; but it is not always the best solution.

d. Weep with them that weep (Romans 12:15), and comfort the afflicted (2 Corinthians 1:3-5); but be sure that your counsel is of God and not empty phrases. Job’s friends did more good by coming and sitting silently for a week than they did in the many words that they uttered afterwards.

e. In grief, we should be willing to listen to those who would be our comforters.

f. In grief, we should be willing to express ourselves so that others might be our comforters.

